OUT for Safe Spaces®
The national OUT for Safe Spaces® program was piloted with the New York City Department of Health in 2017. Just like OUT for Safe Schools®, the OUT for Safe Spaces® campaign works toward creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth. OUT for Safe Spaces® aims to uplift LGBTQ+ youth by taking actions towards allyship and tangible change. OUT for Safe Spaces® encourages employees of youth-serving organizations to publicly identify as supportive LGBTQ+ allies and offer staff training opportunities to develop allyship skills.
We envision OUT for Safe Spaces® to be implemented in organizations such as afterschool programs, health clinics, libraries, and other youth-serving organizations. Staff who wish to participate can wear badges displaying their willingness to talk to youth about LGBTQ+ concerns. Badges communicate to LGBTQ+ youth that they are in a safe space.
OUT for Safe Spaces® Provides:
- Online Training
- Technical Assistance
- Roll-out Toolkit
- Press Release Templates
Become an OUT for Safe Spaces® Partner
To bring OUT for Safe Spaces® to your organization, please fill out the form below and a representative from the Center’s Community-Based Programs will follow up with you.