
OUT for Safe Schools® Tookit for LGBTQ+ Affirming Educators

In light of the catastrophic wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation being proposed throughout the United States—much of it aimed at schools and students—OUT for Safe Schools® has created the following toolkit to support educators in advocating for their LGBTQ+ students. Building on over a decade of working directly with school districts, we’ve developed the following talking points, best practices, and list of resources to help you understand the issue, as well as how to best support students and families in your district. We’ve also included a summary of the types of legislation that are targeting our community.

We are not in this fight for LGBTQ+ students alone.
OUT for Safe Schools® welcomes your feedback, suggestions, and insights as to how we can all work together to fight those trying to take away our rights and freedoms.

If you are thinking about suicide, please reach out:

800.273.TALK (8255)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The Trevor Project for LGBTQ youth

If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1

OUT For Safe Schools®

Community Action Network and CAN Coalition